I wanted to begin by asking what a life lived in pure chaos would look like compared to mine, you know, for perspective’s sake, and I gave up. I thought it was probably a good idea not to pursue something that everyone on this planet can fill in the gaps for by themselves. We’re all in some form chaos, and we all think our own experience is unique, somehow different than everyone else’s. It is, if only because we’d never be able to see through another’s eye – our perspective is unique in that it is inextricably tied to our individual histories.

That is a subject I think best left to the individual to mull over for themselves. In the mean time, I’d like to begin with a very sharp turn in directions.

If I had the infinite ability, what would I do with my life?

Here are some of my personal dreams, no deadline on them, long and short-term; just things that I want to do for as long as I have time and life to make them real:

Short Film Idea: A look at some fundamental differences between the Developing and Developed World, specifically between Canada and India. I’m going back to Canada soon, and it would help me cope with the sudden change in direction and lifestyle. Plus, it would be interesting as a sort of window into how I perceive the differences, both on the surface, and idiosyncratic to each society.

Write a Story for a Video Game: Don’t laugh. It’s actually been a life-long dream of mine to pen the story to a video game. I love video games, they present uncanny opportunities for story telling combined with engaging participatory mechanics that serve to identify the main character with the user in a whole new way. My favorite part about the really notable games are that they’re often accompanied by really good stories. Jon and I came up with a story that would go great with an old school 2dimensional Role Playing Game – a deep story, about time, aging, society, alienation, civilizations collapsing and being reborn, and interesting sci-fi elements to weave them together. Very exciting!

Collection of Short Stories: I love writing fiction, but I prefer implementing elements of my own life into my characters, to give it a personal touch. I’d love to write a book of short stories connecting myself throughout the numerous experiences different “me’s” have had throughout my life, but in very different physical settings and alternate realities. This will take years to put together, but that’s okay.

Finish the Egypt Series: This will happen this summer in Canada, no doubt about it. I’ve already nearly completed mounting 2 our of 4 videos, each resting at about 8 – 9 minutes each. They are pretty good, but require more care and attention. I’ll probably upload them in August, 1 per week, and following the travel pattern we took while revealing Pre-Revolution Egypt in all of its glory.

Day Job: I want a job I can love and passionate about. One that will require my attention and energy, and one that will entice me to grow professionally. I dream of a job that will give me the space to pursue the items on this list, as well as provide new experiences that push me to my limits.

A Home away from Homebase: I want a place to settle for a while, a place where I don’t have to worry about my next move. Homebase, with my parents, will be awesome – but I need a place to call my own as well.

Plan a trip to South America, make awesome travel video on the side: This is another long-term goal. I’ve been to the West Indies, but never to Spanish or Portuguese speaking parts of South America. I want to take my time to visit the continent properly, and if I can’t afford to get so much time, I’ll focus on one of my biggest dream spots: Machu Pichu.

Love might come, love might go. I may one day discover that I’m married and have a child on the way, but throughout all the elements of life that I cannot plan, I want to most of all continue to live a life full of passionate and balanced pursuit.  So that I can inspire my yet to be born but still deeply loved children to discover the beauty of life for themselves.


Just a glimpse…

The hidden image

Rajasthani Leather



Here’s a short video I’ve recently made about a UN Traffic Safety Programme that did some work on my campus. I loved making this video, and I care about it very much. I hope you enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed making it. – Do note: this is a pre-release beta, of sorts, which is to say that certain edits are pending (like new voice work, and a reordering of the final credits). I’ll post the final final link once exams are over.